Friday, August 21, 2015

What to Do on Days When Things Look Bleak and Hopeless

One sunny morning this week I awoke from a nightmare. And as I got up and made breakfast I could feel how my mood was unusually negative. Things looked kind of bleak. A bit hopeless. I mostly just wanted to go back to bed. Or lie on the couch and watch movies all day long. So I decided to turn that around. Now, these things that I am about to share have not only helped me to turn bad days into good ones but to keep an optimistic attitude and to keep going through much longer tough times too. Here's what I did. 1. I took a trip through positive memories. For a few minutes I closed my eyes and awashed myself in positive memories of the times in the past when I succeeded. Of the times when things went well or even better than that despite worries and negative expectations. This small inner vacation brightened my mood and opened up my clouded mind. 2. I asked myself two optimistic questions. First: what is one thing I can be grateful for today even if things look bleak? My answer was that it was indeed very good to have a roof over my head as the cold rain was pouring outside. My mind then opened up a bit more and helped me to see a few more simple things to be grateful for. Then I asked myself: what is one small step I can take right now to move forward? 3. I took a small step forward. With the answer to the second question in mind I sat down at my computer and I took a small step forward and just worked for 5 minutes on an important task. After I had started moving forward my motivation was up and things felt pretty good so I decided to continue the work on that task for half an hour. And at the end of the day, it turned out to be a pretty good Tuesday. Hope that helps and have a great Friday and weekend! P.S: If you want more practical help - but not a magic pill - to build inner strength for life's ups and downs and to build the deeply motivating feeling that you truly deserve more good and great things in life then keep coming back to this blog. Joseph for Henrik

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Public Speaking Made Simple

Please understand clearly that to have conversational quality in your public speech does not require a low tone, or a careless manner, or undignified English. So far as our present problem is concerned, use what manner seems good to you. Give your thoughts fitting garb; to plain thoughts plain expression, to heightened thoughts heightened expression.What I am now urging is, that, whatever else you do, you should make your speech genuine * communication. Do not look upon public speaking as a performance, but as a genuine dealing with men.

Monday, April 06, 2015

I Love Public Speaking

With the call for public speakers from pulpit, bar, stump, and lecture platform remaining undiminished, and with the large additional call in these latter days from ever multiplying organizations, with their meetings, conventions and banquets, it comes about that there is to-day greater opportunity and demand for speech making than ever before. The average man finds it greatly to his advantage in civic, organization and business affairs to be able to stand up and speak his mind; while any man who is known"v\Ti to have anything of interest to say, or who has in any way aroused favorable public attention, mil be fairly dragged upon the platform. Thus it comes about that never before did so many untrained and ill-prepared men find themselves upon their legs facing audiences, " not frequently to the regret of both parties. While many work out their own salvation, literally with fear and trembling, more have but scanty success. I shall not enter upon any praises of the art of public speaking. It is good and it is bad; it is base and it is noble. It is part of human life and it is what one makes it. My point is that it is important. I wish we might start with a sane, well-balanced view of this subject, which seems peculiarly unfortunate in the number of half truths that gather about it. We need not deny that it is better to "do noble deeds" than to talk about them, in order to recognize that often one must talk before he wall be allowed to do; and especially that he must talk in order to induce others to do. We need not deny that public speaking was comparatively more important in ancient than in modern times. I remember when I first learned how to speak publicly. It was a total disaster. I had to introduce my classroom teacher who served as a guest speaker at the time. This happened in the Ivory Coast in the village of Sallue to be precise. I could hear the sound of my heartbeat like a thunder sounding from the higher mountain. I very nearly dropped his autobiographer and ran away. Now, that sounds funny, doesn't it? The point is that it is still important to-day, and that apparently in this age of discussion and government by j)u})lic opinion, it is increasingly important. It would be easy to fill a book with expressions by men of affairs to the effect that ability to speak well is important to success. Every Liberian youth, if he desires for any purpose to get influence over his countrymen in an honorable way, will seek to become a good public speaker." Eloquence and oratory are words which easily acquire bad meanings; for the art of public speaking is readily prostituted to foolish or base uses. To be continued:

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Motivational Speaker's Message

I know that in life there are many things that make us feel like giving up on our dreams. I have felt it, tested it and have finally experienced it. There is something we can do in order to move forward in realizing our true potential. Sometimes it helps if we can ask ourselves a few questions: 1. Why am I here? Why was I given this chance and opportunity? How can I make a better use of my present circumstances, conditions and situations? Am I the only one this is happening to? If you can sit in a very quiet room or environment and reflect on the above questions, then you have the chance of thinking positively. Remember that your present condition has come to pass. In passing, it will give you a new idea and hope for the future. It has come to only make you more stronger than you were yesterday. If you can think it, then you can achieve it. Think positive and beyond your present condition. Don't get stuck there forever! If you fall, get yourself up and try again and again... You may be interested in visiting my website where you can enrich yourself with positive thoughts.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Loving your children: Growing up in a loving and unloving family

We have long known that in early childhood development each child develops unique emotional patterns. Some children, for example, develop a pattern low self-esteem whereas others have a healthy self-esteem. Some develop emotional of insecurity whereas others grow up feeling loved, wanted, and appreciated, yet others grow up feeling unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated. The children who feel loved by their parents and peers will develop a primary emotional love language based on their unique psychological makeup and the way their parents and other significant persons expressed love to them. They will speak and understand on primary love language. They may later learn a secondary language love language, but they will always feel more comfortable with their primary language. Children who do not feel loved by their parents and peers will also develop a primary love language. However, it will be somewhat distorted in much the same way as som children may learn poor grammar and have an underdeveloped vocabulary. That poor programming does not mean they cannot become good communicators. But it does mean they will have to work at it more diligently than those who had a more positive model. Likewise, children who grow up with an underdeveloped sense of emotional love can also come to feel loved and to communicate love, but they will have to work at it more diligently than those who grew up in a healthy, loving atmosphere. This also goes with husbands and wives. Come back later for more information:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year-2014

I've been thinking about God's incredible generosity in giving us His 'Christmas gift' - His Son!

As I quietly think about that, I discover once again that overwhelming and sacrificial generosity - abundant grace - is the essential part of God's character. God is love (1 John 4:8) and generous sacrificial giving is an essential part of that love (John 3:16).

And I think of something else.
Isn't it true - the closer we walk with God the more we become like Him? The closer we walk, the more we love. The more we love, the more we give. So even in our human lives, love and generosity are inseparable, and increasing, as we walk with Him.

So I want to honor and thank you the readers of my blog, for your love and generosity towards God's people in Liberia and specifically my family.

This expression of God's abundant grace, through the prayer and financial commitment of our Partners (and some have even promised to help me complete the project presently on hand in Liberia)this is helping our brothers and sisters in the Lord discover what God is really like. The project mentioned is so dear to my heart and seriously praying for God's helping hand in making us complete the Church building project. Thank you for helping share that true message of CHRISTMAS. Generous and sacrificial love, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Thanks a lot for the prayer being offered on behalf of the Lombaye family. They have never gone unnoticed. Dorcas just turned 14 and Obeto, Jr. is now 9. We are grateful for your love and support.